Analysis of Light Transport based on the Separation of Direct and Indirect Components

We proposed a method to acquire light transport between a projector to a camera through a scene with global illumination effect such as inter-reflections or sub-surface scattering. Our Idea is based on the two facts. One is the characteristics of direct component which has strong geometric constraints among the projected light ray, observed light ray and shape of the object. Therefore, we used well-known Graycode technique to obtain such constraints, and then capture the direct component rapidly by spatial multiplexing. The other fact is the limited bandwitdth of indirect components which is opten widely spread on the scene without noticeable edges or small points. Therefore, we used large blocks to measure the indirect component in lower spatial frequency only. To separate the direct and indirect components, we used a method proposed by Nayar et al. Poster presented in PROCAMS 2007

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